Saturday, October 22, 2011

Networking: As Important As Ever for Law Students | Law Student Division

Great article on networking. It is geared towards law students, but applies to any field, really.

Networking: As Important As Ever for Law Students | Law Student Division

Topic highlights:

Think first about who you already know, professors, and internship contacts.

When attending a networking event, research beforehand who will be there and how they might be valuable for you to meet.

Step outside your comfort zone and approach people whose body language suggests they’re ready to talk.

Don’t ask directly for a job—or plan to hand out résumés.

Don’t just talk about your legal interests and ambitions—think about what else makes you distinctive.

Do discuss legal issues that you’ve read about to demonstrate your depth.

Be careful about touchy subjects like politics and religion.

Listen more than you talk, and ask for plenty of advice.

Find a way to stay in touch—getting someone else’s card works better than handing out yours—and a reason to do so other than asking for a job.

Follow up the next day—two at most—and keep keeping in touch.

When networking opportunities arise outside of traditional networking events, be tuned into the attorney’s interest level.

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