Wednesday, July 21, 2021

4 exercises to improve your legal abilities in 2020


4 exercises to improve your legal abilities in 2020 (


below is just one of the exercises. Please click the link above to see the full article. 


There is a great deal of new scientific research about the effects of cranial nerves on our psychological and physical well-being. A good place to start is the book Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve by Stanley Rosenberg, which is based on substantial medical research. Apparently, pressure placed on the cranial nerves from stress in the upper body (neck, shoulders, back) negatively impacts how our body functions and how we feel.

Rosenberg outlines a series of stretches and eye movements designed to release pressure from the cranial nerves that will make us more flexible and feel better.

The combination of stretching the upper body and eye movement sends positive signals from our brain to our entire body, which I can personally attest is life-changing. Imagine eliminating anxiety, worry and fear from our daily life by putting our hands behind our head and looking to the left and right for 60 seconds. Worth trying, right?

To perform this exercise, lie flat on your back or stand with your back flat against the wall. Put your hands behind your head with fingers interlocked, touching your elbows to the floor/wall. Look as far to the left as you can for 60 seconds and then to the right for 60 seconds (or vice versa). Initially you will sigh, yawn or feel a release of tension.

This is a signal that your vagus nerve has been activated and is sending positive feel-good energy to your entire body. Actually, any stretch that relieves tension in your neck and shoulders while looking to the left or right will activate the vagus nerve. You can get specifics on these exercises in Rosenberg’s book. (I get nothing for this recommendation).

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