If you see the above on your credit card statement, don't panic. Most likely you, or your spouse, ordered software over the internet. In my case it was my wife purchasing a 1-year Avast antivirus software license. Avast uses element5 to process its credit card transactions. If you need to see the actual invoice, you can go to the following site to get it:
They will ask for the email address and last four digits of the credit card number.
UPDATE on 2/4/2013:
Digital River processes payments for digital downloads from companies such as Microsoft, EA Games, Trend Micro, Kaspersky Lab, etc. Element5 is a subsidiary of Digital River according to this Digital River Press Release from 2006.
Credit cards are different than the debit cards. It is because using the facility of credit finance it does not remove or decrease the balance of the amount of account holder from his account.
I think credit card with a magnetic strip many people carry in their wallets or purses is the end result of a complex banking process.
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